At Twenty-two

Disclaimer: I’m not condoning vengeance. I’m not proud of everything I think or feel. I try very hard not to act on thoughts that do not align with His. I struggle often. I fail sometimes. I confess. I (hopefully!) grow up, but I acknowledge my humanness and discomforting thoughts in poetry, which is all this post is. […]

Ugly Distractions to Self-Acceptance

Perhaps it’s weird to say, but I love my body! I live in amazement that I can walk, talk, and unthinkingly accomplish tasks that with almost no understanding the biological process that must take place. I am amazed at the complexity of human anatomy and in awe of the God that designed it so intricately. I’d […]


Lately you’re a patchwork of band-aid advices That cannot find enough stars to sleep under And somewhere far away I’m praying You’ll radiate like the sun you can’t see And in solitude light up to think of me